Let us no longer shout Country or Death but Country and Life.” It has become a symbol for those who do not lose strength and continue to fight for a Cuba for all Cubans: “No more lies, my people ask for freedom, no more doctrines. Given the title, the song is a hymn to life and freedom and is directly opposed to the motto of the Cuban regime. The invitation to lose fear, the awareness of the pain Cuban people experience and the support that these artists have provided, have enraged the Cuban dictatorship. Yotuel, Gente De Zona, Descemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo - Patria y Vida (Lyrics/Letra) Letras RojasPatria y Vida Yotuel, Gente De Zona, Descemer Bueno, Mayk. In its first week, the video reached more than 2 million views. Yotuel Romero, Gente de Zona, and Decemer Bueno joined their voices in the song “Patria y Vida” along with rappers Maykel Osorbo and El Funky, two Cuban musicians that face repression on the island. Last summer, he also released the song “Juntos somos más” alongside Lara Álvarez and Beatriz Luengo.A musical theme turned into an anthem that announces the end of more than six decades of dictatorship, is a definitive response to violence against citizens in Cuba. In 2003, Yotuel won a Latin Grammy for Best Rap/Hip-Hop Album for Emigrante. In 2016, Gente de Zona won a Latin Grammy for Best Tropical Fusion Album for Visualizate. Estas son algunas estrofas de una canción que desgarran en un videoclip coral y contundente grabado en Miami con Yotuel, los. It’s the first award for El Funky and Maykel Osorbo. Primo de Rivera: desenlace a un mes del 28-M, titula La Razón en primera bajo una imagen de la comitiva fúnebre saliendo del valle y otra de los tardíos joseantonianos montando la bulla. Ya no gritemos patria o muerte, sino patria y vida. “Patria Y Vida” was one of the big stories from the Latin Grammys this year: It won Best Urban Song and Song of the Year. Gente de Zonas song 'Patria y Vida,' which means Homeland and Life, has become the anthem of the demonstrations and is a play on the phrase 'Patria o Muerte,' Homeland or death, which was a phrase in the Cuban Revolution.

Some people in the audience held Cuban flags as a sign of support. Each artist fired off lyrics that are intense with pain, passion, anger, and hopefulness. The performers were introduced by Gloria Estefan, who was born in Havana. In Miani, SBS radio station WRMA, Ritmo 95.7 FM. It also features Maykel Osorbo, a hip-hop artist who has been jailed by the Cuban government for months. Gente de Zona have been performing Patria y Vida at rallies, including one July 14 in Miami, the epicenter of the Cuban resistance.

The collaboration became a rallying cry during protests in Cuba during the summer. Dressed all in white and surrounded by candles, Yotuel, Descemer Bueno, El Funky, and Gente de Zona delivered a powerful performance of their song “Patria Y Vida” at the Latin Grammys. Gente de Zona perform Patria y Vida at Cuba protest rally in Miami 75,701 views 1.6K Dislike Share Save Miami Herald 211K subscribers Gente de Zona performs at a.